What sites do you use to Value Stocks?
This question was inspired from an inquiring individual, in a great Facebook group I’m lucky enough a part of called: Investing & Personal Finance. I think it is an amazing question, and is definitely worth exploring, so thank you.
Just as an aside; they are an amazing group of people, with numerous different investing styles and opinions. If you’re serious about investing, I’d highly recommend joining this group, and more importantly, joining the conversation. I hope they don’t mind this shout-out…
So today I thought I’d cover my Five Favourite resources that I constantly use to find, research, and value stocks.
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Important note: Each website picture is a link to that website.
I encourage you to read the entire article then decide where you want to begin… Bit of a choose your own adventure.
Stock Finding Super Formula
You will find that all of the sites mentioned in this article, will work well for you on their own, and you should try them that way.
But, I think when you combine all five websites, and get them all working for you, that's when the real magic happens. It can be considered as one of the first steps to becoming a ‘Next Level’ Investor...
First things first (as first things always stubbornly tend to be…)
We need to find companies that are potentially at a price that is below their intrinsic value.
In other words, we need a good starting place to find undervalued stocks.
For this I have three sites that work very well for this.
Magic formula Investing website, GuruFocus, & Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax.
Let’s check them out…
Here’s part 1-5
The 5 Absolute Best Resources for any investor Part 1: It Starts with Magic…
The 5 Absolute Best Resources for Any Investor. Part 2: Focus on the Guru’s
The 5 Absolute Best Resources for any Investor. Part 3: Corner of Berkshire and Fairfax Forum
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